Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Review: Glow Couture

Now, I honour my integrity as well as take pride in doing reviews. Thus, even if I do get invited to review services or products, I will not promote untruthfully. I was invited to a “lunchtime quickie”, true to my word; the effect of the treatment (microdermabrasion) was the best so far I’ve received (skin was not tight and dry, which you usually experience after a microdermabrasion). And I stopped my comments there. Truthfully, that’s because I wasn’t sure if I will see results like they proclaim.

I return with a second review, because I did see results a week later and I think Glow Couture deserves it.

I was battling with a breakout for the last 3 months now. My skin has been through its ups and downs. Before the outbreak, my skin was not perfect, but it was at least acne-free. However in the last 3 months, due to stress, hormonal changes and late nights, I started having zits (mostly small, but 2 as large as raisins) all over my chin and cheek.

OK, i'm not the sort who will complain she's fat when she's clearly not. My skin don't look beyond recognition here, but wait till you zoom in!

I was depressed. Especially when friends started asking me “WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!” Hearing that is worse than hearing “You’ve put on weight.” Actually, nah..both is just as bad.
That's what my friend exclaimed when he opened his door. Felt comforted when his golden retriever came wagging his tail, greeting me and brought me to see his mountain of soft toys that his owners buy when overseas.
At least somebody still wants me, helps that he's handsome too.
So handsome that when we brought him to Urban Pooch at Balestier, all the dogs in the glassed room went HYSTERICAL! This particular cutie stood there and gazed at our big guy throughout our entire lunch!
Urban Pooch was a disappointment, by the way. Our dog did not want to eat his food (although we have to say he IS very fussy, but his food was way too hot for dogs), our food was severly under-portioned, overly-priced and was borderline edible. Pet cafes don't survive here in Singapore because we have strict regulations about kitchens as well as fussy landlords, so although i can understand their plight, i'd still say give Urban Pooch a miss.

Back to my skin,I went for weekly facial extractions and it helped (albeit a $&^# painful torture), but only temporarily. The zits soon came back.

I was this close to visiting a dermatologist, but I was holding back because A) it’s expensive. $80 consultation leh! B) He’s probably going to put me on drugs. Then I thought of doing a chemical peel at an aesthetic clinic, but again it’s A) expensive B) I tried it before, but I can’t really remember if my zits disappeared because of the peel C) a chemical peel works like acid burning off the old skin and I’m not sure if that’s the right way to go about or not.

Glow Couture came to save the day!

The Little Miss Petite Visage that I had opened up my clogged pores (thus the acne). True to my therapist, Grace’s prediction, she warned me that the treatment will not make my zits disappear immediately. Instead, it will make it worse. They will surface and erupt. But once they’re out, your face will be on its path of healing. I recoiled in horror, afraid that they will all erupt but NOT disappear. But at least the treatment was PAINLESS, unlike the usual facial extraction.
She then advised me to put a hydrating mask (I used Kose Hydrating and Kose Whitening) for the next 3 nights. Then she provided sachets of samples (day and night cream) for me to try. She/ they were a life saviour! In between, I still do dab my pimple cream. I still do believe in the regular facials. After all, Grace did professionally advise me that the Petite Visage is not needed monthly for young skin like mine. Perhaps as a maintenance routine, every 3 months so at least when I do go for my regular facial, hopefully they won’t have too much gunk to extract out= pain! My pimples now are at least flatten, no more whiteheads/pus and no more red. There're still marks there, but i believe with time and a right diet, they'll fade.

So now I am, ready to FACE the world again.
Glow Couture
6 Eu Tong Sen Street THE CENTRAL

Tel: 6222 6808
Little Miss Petite usual price $128, call to enquire about introductory rate..


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