Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ver Are You All Coming From?

From Smurfland ver ve belong.

Spot the difference between these two entertainers from Belgium:

Many years ago, Mrs T took the junior Tylers and friends for a birthday treat to see the Smurfs Show. The show was bad. Very bad. In fact, it was so bad the theatre gave a full refund to the entire audience. The entire audience of about 30, that is.

The Herman van Rompuy Show is a very similar offering - amateurish, Belgian, and incomprehensible. The only difference is that there are no refunds.

There is a well rehearsed theory that the EU is the Fourth Reich in disguise. But just clock Herman's performance in the midst of the biggest EU crisis ever - he's making it up as he goes along.

The Euro is bust. The one-size-fits-all currency doesn't fit, and in one way or another it will have to be dismantled. The PIIGS will have to be cut lose and the Euro shrunk back to its Germanic core.

Even the Smurfs would have understood that.


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