Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy Now?

On Sunday Tyler attended a get-together of local Tory activists to celebrate the victory of our new MP. We had crushed a strong Lib Dem challenge, with our man winning over 50% of the votes. Hurrah!

Yes, hurrah. Except of course, these activists were not exactly whooping with joy. They were concerned about our mixed local council results, and the stark fact that the party had not won nationally.

So here we are in coalition with the very people we've just spent a month slugging it out with. Hmmm.

Look, we all understand we're always ruled by coalitions. The Tory party itself is a pretty loose coalition, stretching all the way from Tyler to Oliver Letwin. And Tyler has about as much in common with Letwin as he does with Michael Meacher.

And we understand that not all Lib Dem ideas are bonkers - their aspiration to break the poverty trap by hiking the personal tax allowance to £10 grand is one we wholeheartedly support (even though we won't afford it any time soon).

But there are huge differences between our core philosophies. Not just the well known ones on Europe, crime and immigration, but also more fundamentally on the role of the state. You see, Lib Dems are social democrats. They believe a big state is necessary to share out the proceeds of growth.

Funny, that sounds oddly familiar.



You know, I've just realised why I'm feeling so depressed about all this. Cam's coalition marks our final arrival in FinkWorld. The long-threatened realignment of the right in which the Tory party transforms itself into the baby blue SDP.

Can that be right? Am I exaggerating? Don't think so - I'm just listening to William Hague - Hague FFS! - on BBC Today describing their coalition in exactly those terms - a realignment of British politics. And bigging up the fact that we're locked together for a fixed term of 5 years.

No, this is too depressing to contemplate. In five years, Cam will have reshaped the Tory party completely. The right will have been cast to the winds, and we'll have Fink's SDP respray.

It sure ain't something those local activists have asked for. And you have to wonder how many will stick with it.

Frankly, it's all too depressing to contemplate.

I'm going out for a long walk.

I may be some time.


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