Tuesday, May 4, 2010

NuLab - The Movie

No time for a proper blog - too much canvassing.

But we do need to watch and save this terrific Tory epic on NuLab's 13 appalling years. It's all there to remind us.

And while we're at it, let's take a few minutes to peruse the Sun's Dossier of Labour Shame.

While footslogging along the campaign trail we were trying to boil down their record to just three words. Setting aside a couple of thousand entirely appropriate obscenities, we eventually settled for:
  • Arrogance
  • Deceit
  • Incompetence
Never ever elect these dreadful people again.

What's that? All politicos go the same way?

Well, yes, you do have a point.

But at least with the Tories they start from the right place. That big government isn't the answer to everything, that choice and competition are vital in our public services, and that personal responsibility is key to a healthy society.

Which is why Tyler is out 24/7 canvassing for them.

May we urge you to watch the movie and join us.

PS And yes, assuming Cam wins, we will be on his case. We may be working for his election, but that most certainly doesn't mean we then close our eyes for five years while he simply gets on with it. We need him to deliver on those traditional Tory values.

PPS How many of those dreadful people in the vid do you reckon will end up as Lords? Mandy's already got his of course, but Bliar, Brown, Blunkers - they'll all be there. And My Lord Prezza of Gross has a ring to it. Why do we put up with that, again?


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