Monday, December 3, 2012

Goodbye, Shabu-chan

I'm still in denial that my brother is gone. I could only digest the fact that he's not in his dog house anymore. I just thought that he went away for a long trip, and he's not gone forever.

Shabutaro wasn't really his name. In his birth certificate, the name Lassie was written. I changed his name because of the anime Rave Master, and after a few weeks, my family members were just used to calling him Shabu.

I am still in tears while writing this blog post. This is not a good way to end my year. I was really happy that I'm going to give birth next year, but losing another life of a close family member is also sad.

I'll be missing Shabu-chan like I missed all my other dogs in dog heaven: MacDo/Hikari dog, Boomer and Heidi doggy :(


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