Tuesday, March 12, 2013


from: CLAIMS DEPARTMENT <web@intra.eka.net>
reply-to:  info.james101@yahoo.cn
date:  Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 11:08 PM
subject:  YOU WON 7.5 MILLION USD!!


Good Day,

I am using this opportunity to inform you that the online automatic random email selection lottery, that you won some time ago which you were unable to claim due to loss of contact or communication by the finance house that was supposed to inform you on your winnings has been rectified.The sum of $7.5 million USD (SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS) will be delivered to you as compensation for the total sum of your initial winnings which you were unable to claim.Below is the contact details of the fiduciary agent which you are to contact in ensuring the swift delivery of your consignment;

Name of agent:MR.James Anderson
Email address: info.james010@yahoo.cn

Be informed that this is genuine and authentic so you will not be asked to make any payment for courier charges for the delivery of your funds as that is what fraudsters on the internet normally do, also note that you do not need to register or enter into the lottery before you emerged a winner, as this is an automatic random email selection lottery, i have already paid for the transportation of your consignment.You are to contact the agent immediately in order for your funds of $7.5 million USD(SEVEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS)to be delivered to you without further delays.

Mrs Mauren Walken


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