Saturday, February 23, 2008


Yeah! What about having a Japanese-Korean meal at the inconvenience of your home's outside swing?

This was what happened earlier after Zoren, JM and I came from Market! Market!.

We went to the supermarket, and hell, the imported goods section was soooooo damn good! We had bought Japanese, Korean and Chinese goodies as dinner. One was the oh-so-yummy cup ramen, and this super cool Soju we had. With regards to the Soju, we needed a chaser, since it's "humahagod" and all that. I noticed my eating and drinking buddies were almost 'wasted'. Zoren gave up first after some shots, and he went home earlier.
JM remained for our novel, and the Soju left was saved for the next time we'll have our Japanese-Korean eating and drinking session.

It was fun at Market Dos, (as I call it) and at first, It was just me and Zoren. We attended Youth Service after we chatted MORE at Starbucks. (we only atended the last 10 minutes of the Youth thing because it started at 2 PM. ^^) We then proceeded to some shopping after we had our photo taken:


After this, we went shopping at the Gift Market, and I bought some cute silver earrings. JM then came (finally!) and we had laughed more all the way. We even tasted the so-called "Japanese Siomai"--the one with Nori and crab on it. We saw Ichyworms and Calla Lilly (they were singing in the background while we chatted) and then home was the final destination (My home).

I want this to be repeated, but the next time would be with KOG and the rest.

^^ Yamato tamashii!! OK!


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