Monday, August 27, 2012

My Loft

When i was just a little girl, my teacher asked me what i wanted to be. I said a housewife.
My female teacher was appalled and made me write lines "when i grow up, i will not be enslaved".  No, she didn't but she tried brain-washing me with feminist views. 

So i had other ambitions like cashier first because i liked counting money, then teacher because i liked talking down to shorter people, sexologist when i got curious about sex, zoologist when i found myself turned on with Animal Planet, finally a psychologist because it can be a sexologist, zoologist and psychologist all rolled in one.

When i was a little girl, we also talked about when we would get married. I said 25.

I never did become any of those career choices i envisioned to be, neither did i get married at 25. 

I increasingly find men not willing to have a wife who stays home. Unless, if there're young children in the family. However, the most fortunate woman is to be able to find a husband who tells her she doesn't have to work if she doesn't want to. As a modern woman, i am happy earning my own keep and with earning power, i have a say in the household. However,  after joining the workforce, i realised how stressful and time-consuming work can be. If both married people are pursuing their careers individually, who relieves whose stress back at home?

Thus i believe, a man's responsibility is to pay the bills, put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads. While the woman, worries less about losing her job and pleasing her boss but warms up the food and makes the home a welcoming place.

Marriage, however, is not an end to everything. It should also not be a life purpose or a life goal, which unfortunately is one for many Asian women. 

"Want to buy HDB?" is a pre-proposal line for many when the process is to apply, wait 3 years for it to be built and then prove the certificate of marriage 6 months after taking the keys.

We Singaporeans tend to live with our parents till marriage and because of that plus other cultural/societal pressures, we marry in our twenties.

I refuse to be subjected to that pressure and so i made a huge decision recently.

Mine is Blk 92- 32

It's going to be shoe-box size, but i'm excited in turning it into my spinster bachelorette pad.

I'm so excited that i've started a Pinterest Board just to collect home ideas! Two years from now, where will i be, how am i?

Independent, free and without a care in the world.


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