Thursday, August 9, 2012

Take 5 to Drum Alive

Have you heard about the latest workout in town? It's called Drums Alive and being a fitness buff, i tried it at Physical Abuse in Clarke Quay.

When exercise balls first came into the scene, it was used for core workouts.
Then, they discovered it's good for the spine and so they used it like this
Then, we start getting weird workout variations.
That's when exercise balls became a dangerous things

and a survey was done
Survey proven.
Now, fitness buffs have found ANOTHER use for exercise balls!
Never knew drumsticks and exercise balls can go together for a very fun cardio workout.

Grooving to the latest hits, check out the other students in class.
Darren Sim looks like he's being cheeky with Issac.
The songs were upbeat and drumsticks were flying everywhere as we advance to more challenging steps. Thiang has a VERY worried/ scared look that Mint's drumsticks were going to poke her eye.
Then, it was a time-out because we weren't beating like we should. WE WERE A DISAPPOINTMENT!

We had to take 5. Don't ask me why Kevin and Smith have to take it like that.

We're all abit kuku before class, confessing to have partied hard the night before.
Honestly, really honestly i did feel a difference after just half a shot of Take5ive. I was wary about taking foreign liquid (cum is not foreign liquid) so i asked to split half just to see if i'll roll over with stomach ache.

I didn't.

And unlike other energy drinks *cough* Red Bull *cough*, Take5ive has zero calories and zero sugar = zero guilt!

Made of natural caffeine from green coffee beans, Take5ive also contains Vitamin B, Amino Acids, anti-oxidants that works in seconds and last for hours.
Scientific reports green coffee beans can help weight loss too!
However, please do not be mislead with its name. When my father heard Take5ive, he ALMOST downed 5 bottles! 1 small bottle is good to last you more than 5 hours.
True to its touted effects, after downing a shot each (me half), we started beating it like a pro. Better mental focus and clarity, no more drum sticks flying. The boys were even able to make twirls and turns like erm, a girl.

See, i even did it with my eyes closed.
 We became incredible hulks. Broken stands,
and broken sticks.
Kevin looks like.....
Like for fitness and energy tips. Otherwise, Take5ive can be purchased at $3.60 a shot at Watsons and pharmacies. I know i'll be carrying some bottles with me up Mt Kinabalu in September! You can try it if you are mugging for exams, at a count-down party or  need to keep going all night!
Kid wishes to play all night.


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