Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Now that it's vacation at last, I'm in total confusion. I have finally all the freedom to do my usual things--TV, sleep-late-wake-up-late mode, PC 20/7, go out with my barkada-- but I cannot do them since I don't feel like it.

So I began downloading using my Hazel-PC, the weird automatic name of my laptop, and that is one of the main problems I encounter. Our DSL connection is cumbersome--not because it's heavy but because I had to go through much before its IP settings is alright and ready for net. Hazel-PC must stay at one place so that the connection won't go off. The modem must be at one secured place so that it would be alright. And my UTP cable's RJ-45 clip also was broken. I'm so upset.

Anyway, to ensure that my connection stays and my downloads are finished, this PC has not been TURNED OFF. Yes. That's true. For 3 straight days, this has been plugged. I wonder how our electricity bill turns out. Maybe I'll be at fault again for the skyrocketing bill. That's the other reason why they want me to stay out of home and enroll for summer--to save money.

According to my mom and dad, I am doing too many nonsense stuff and that my activities are just according to my senseless whim. I kind of agree with them. Sure, my media addiction requires more money than other addictions since I have the tendency to make sure I'm updated and all the necessary mumbo jumbos are to be done, but this is just me. I can't stay away from anime, movies, books, internet, games, manga and TV that easily especially now it's vacation.

I'm planning to skip buying a new mobile phone--the one that's supposed to be my ticket and vacation expense at Singapore-- since I wanted a new EHD (external hard drive) or an upgrade for MR-PC-Reborn, my 5-year old desktop computer. I don't think any of the two would be granted that easily since stuff have high prices nowadays. Oh well, I'll just have to request a cheaper one. I want to record TV shows so I guess it would have to be the PC to TV converter.

I'm so bored. Really bored.

Still, I have many nonsense stuff left to be accomplished. I better start updating my fan fiction and my fiction... and do my English paper due tomorrow.


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