Sunday, June 15, 2008


This post was first conceived in my room and it must be under the title "The Thin Line Between Liking and Disliking Someone". I went out for a while because I felt hungry, and after eating I cannot create a single significant thought with regard to my intended title earlier. So I decided to change it into this one.

-Now that I was enlightened, I just decided to continue this unposted/unpublished post I made several months ago-

I'm now going to continue about the thin line I was supposed to be discussing. Anyway, when we like someone, what only appears in front of our mortal eyes are the good things about that person. Little did we know, the things which are important about that person were hidden beneath it. And so something shall trigger and cut that thin line. That's reality. When that thin line is gone, every single bad thing will haunt you. And so the more things you don't want to see appear before you, the more you will dislike that person and thus, Hating him for life (or so).

It's just as simple as that. The more you liked him, the more you will end up loathing him.


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