Monday, March 9, 2009

Shaolin Girl

Woot! This one’s an awesome film. Since I don’t get to open my FS profile and add a review, I guess this nice film should fill in some of my blog’s pages.

Earlier, I lied about going somewhere (yup, the typical student excuse) and doing other things than what I said I was doing. Oh okay, so there I was, on an early date than the usual since school’s the excuse. Skipping all the details from 9 onwards, I better tell something I liked in the film I watched four hours later.

The movie was said to be a sequel (yes, if not a direct sequel) of Shaolin Soccer. There were Japanese and Chinese characters in the movie. My boyfriend and I noticed how they placed the subs and the language they speak, and so the conclusion was made: it really is a collaboration of Japan and Mainland.

The girls in the story have different distinct characteristics that make it quite interesting. The male characters are cranky and some are uptight. There seems to be shoujo-ai in the entire film (showing girl-girl relationships in a loving manner—but not sexually and romantically explicit). This makes it more tempting to watch, since usually we find a romantic interaction between a girl and a boy in every film.

The whole movie showed how important Shaolin is in spirit (okay, fine, that’s not it! :P), meaning camaraderie and team work is the key to success. The dark and the light is then again the usual elements in the story, besides its lacrosse touch.

Overall, this film made me feel happy today. Of course, it’s a date after all. :)

Oh yeah, from this day onwards, I promise not to lie about doing projects and hooking up with my boyfriend in reality. Swear. I feel guilty.



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