Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ways to call it Quits

Quits:adjective- Owing or being owed nothing: even1, quit, square.

I bring ye news. This is not an old news coming from me, but today I duly make it something official. It seemed as if I'm Buddha-- an enlightened one. I've dreamed of the Four Noble Truths in my life earlier.

1. Life means suffering.

True to what has happening, each day in my life happens to be each day of suffering. Well, it doesn't look like it but deep inside of me, I'm tortured by something. I won't tell.

2. The origin of suffering is attachment.

Attachment. Yup, since I was attached, I can't go nuts with my single best pals and can't flirt with anyone hot and available on conventions and parties. It's really the attachment that binds me and my freedom literally and figuratively.

3. The cessation of suffering is attainable.

Finally, I've decided to remove someone so as to delete the cause of my suffering.

4. The path to the cessation of suffering.

And upon removing him in my life leads to loneliness of a bit and of course hurt feelings. Anyway, after all this, it will be a meaningful and wonderful life-- not something that came out all of a sudden and ruined my whole being.

Anyway, all of these Noble Truths were encompassed in my dream earlier. Not as directly stated like that, but of course in different situations. I extremely believe about my dreams telling me some important thing or decision to do. It's been proven a lot of times (you can see my older posts here as reference).

So after all the mumbo jumbo... I realized it's over.
And then I was thinking on ways how to say it in a proper way. And I couldn't. Thus, only the title of this post must be made sense.


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