Monday, February 23, 2009

One More Chance

The best of romances,
deserve second chances

I don’t believe in this line of a certain song. And also, I don’t like the concept of the John Lloyd-Bea film with the same title in my post.  As my friend said, it’s mostly about love lost… and found.

Once you lose something, it’s never coming back to you.

But if you insist of getting it back, chances are it will work—but most of the things that are essential have already flown away. You’ll only have something that’s a mere per cent of what you actually lost.

You will acquire it, but not of the same value.

Just like when Syaoran traded his existence in Sakura’s heart in return for the chance to travel around the dimensions and gather her memories—it won’t return: their love for each other.

I know it’s another thing, but it is how actually things work around here. Pretty much the morale of the anime. And trust me, I experienced that already.

Second chances are not good. They are for the worst.


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