Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Worries, Overreaction, and a Research Break

Earlier, I have tons of things to discuss in my blog but then my mindset went as far as the sensation of eating French Fries with ketchup. So far, I’m just quite concerned for the PA 131 paper on Budget Analysis—with Department of Labor and Employment- Office of the Secretary as my agency to analyze. I can’t think of “Fiscal ways” to understand and analyze a past and projected budget. I don’t have the so-called “Fiscal thinking”. This gives me too much ill feelings.

I never thought 131 has this so much pressure and requirements, and that it’s so difficult to cope with it. First, I failed to do the task of getting the taxation thingy of a business establishment. Next, I also failed in the second quiz. Finally, this one! My first quiz wasn’t that good enough to pull those other satisfactory grades I got. And another thing is my recitation—since I’m not adept to Economics and money matters like my EcoƱo classmates from the College of Econ. I even failed prereqs to this course: Accounting 1 and Econ 11. Oh yeah, talking about the sorest loser, that’s me.

Now it’s my turn to “Google” everything and find ways on how to analyze budgets. Aw, I cannot think of anything else but that… however, one person also invades my mind and mobile phone. Psh, who else would be that relevant to almost everything I do? This does reek. Aw. Too bad. I’m going down again. :) It’s the tradition of 2 failures in a sem. Would it count to three? I certainly hope it won’t. As someone had just told me, I must pass every subject so it wouldn’t add to my list of delayed subjects. It’s not a “delaying tactic” I’m doing but it’s what we call “Simultaneous Epic Fails”. Oh God, what am I doing?


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