Sunday, January 25, 2009

Failing the PA 151 Exam

I’ve written a blog post of almost the same title with regards to Math 17 ages ago. Yes, I had another prediction, and now since I feel that I’m a clairvoyant of my own kind I announce that I foresaw that I’m going to fail. Hypothetically basing my hunch with my previous quizzes, there’s no doubt at all that I’ll get a grade lower than 60% in this midterm exam.

Let’s face the reality: I do not get the assigned readings before classes, I do not regularly attend class. I don’t even read the readings even if I have them, and I cram for tomorrow’s exam. I even wonder why I could still have time blogging and chatting now that most of my classmates tell me that tomorrow’s the worst. Okay, so the stress might not have come yet to my system.

Well, for one, I don’t even have faith that I’ll pass 151 as a subject. So why worry if you already know the outcome and when you have nothing to do about it?

I’m kinda pessimistic here, but we all have to accept the reality. Reality-bending only works in manga and anime. But for my school life, it’s definitely hopeless—unless I pull out another miracle like in my Pol Sc 11…


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