Saturday, January 31, 2009


image Obviously, I failed to post yesterday because I was out and when I came back, there were lots of things that I did with someone. Anyway, setting aside the happenings for the past 17 hours, I’m going to tell of the latest movie I’ve watched: Inkheart.

The plot of the story is so great and somewhat predictable, but never fails to still give the element of surprise. It’s somewhat like Fushigi Yuugi, since the book was read and the person entered the book—but the main difference is that in Inkheart, there are talented or rather gifted people who could forcibly send someone back and out of a book.

This movie gave me 100% and above entertainment and the sense of adventure. The soundtrack is pretty much as great as the film itself, matching the music perfectly with the scenes. The characters are so powerful that they’ve dwelled in my head for quite a long time. This is definitely a must-see for all ages.


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