Thursday, January 15, 2009

Wakatte Ita Hazu

As I turned the shuffle on, most songs that I haven’t listened to for a long time suddenly play and gets my attention. This is one of the songs that was introduced to me by my classmate and close buddy when we were in 3rd year high school. Later on, it was one of my favorites, and even some of my friends loved it as well. This song has such nice lyrics about losing someone you love, and whatever is felt by that broken-hearted one. Here goes the English translation (care of

The laughing voices
of lovers passing by
makes me get all choked up.

Even though the rain has stopped
on this weekend afternoon,
I'm walking the streets all alone,
even though
I want to be with you.

I should have known this.
If I fell in love with you that much,
I would hurt just as much.

Even though I know it's heart-wrenching,
I keep thinking only of you,
even when
I can't see you.

Even though
I know I shouldn't think about
how I wish we could always be together,

Even now, the voice of my heart,
which I've tried to suppress,
seems to overflow
so much so that it hurts.

I should have known.
I just can't keep my love for you
inside, all to myself.

But now, it's a precious thought.
I believe in the truth
only I see,
and keep on loving you.

I should have known.
I just can't keep my love for you
inside, all to myself.

But now, it's a precious thought.
I believe in the truth only I see,
and keep on loving you.


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