Sometimes we don't meet for a year, but when we do, it's one date after another.
We staked outside Heeren for Man Hunt 2010.
No more a boy, not yet a man.
They were in itsy bitsy shorts that drew a lot of male onlookers. Don't ask me why, but if only that photo i took of the crowd was clear, i'd upload it. 80% of them were males, with 20% of them armed with huge ass cameras. I don't think it meant anything though *cough*, i think they were just passer-bys. Except this one short bespectacled man in his thirties who was grinning away to himself when the contestants paraded topless.
The next night she again introduces me to something naughty.
The very potent appletini at Mortons.
Then we did something that was a first for us. A double date in the forest. Singapore is growing with expats, i love reading blogs written by them because i get a perspective that i don't otherwise see! They even have some ingenius ideas for things to do in Singapore that i never thought of! This date idea, was inspired from Singapore Tourism Board's website. So we trooped down to Bedok Reservoir.
What was unnerving yet exhilarating at the same time was that there will be no instructor on board with you throughout the entire course. Imagine if you strap on wrongly, miss your footing or strap on loosely...
So we paid extra attention during the group briefing before setting off. That lasted for 5 minutes, before we started monkeying around like naughty students. Each "group" holds abot 20 "climbers", but quite frankly, you complete the course at your own pace, that so long as there's more than one in your personal group, you really feel exclusive on the course.
Initially, i thought it was one massive course across the entire reservoir, literally on tree tops. So we were alittle disappointed when we arrived only to see ladders sparsely located around the vacinity. Boy, do you not underestimate this layout!
There are in total 4 sites of challenge. Each site has a series of high ropes. They're not joined to form one big thing per say. You enter each site by climbing onto the highest point, get across and then exit via a flying fox. You land, then its onto site 2 and so on.
Go WITHOUT a trace of make-up, because you'll be perspiring ALOT. I'd say it's for resonably fit people, then again there're children, mums and a 60 year old grandpa doing it. It's fun, challenging and such a good workout that i strongly encourage anyone sporting to spend an afternoon there. It's $36 for the entire course (take as long to complete it but it usually takes about 2 hours).
Here's what you conquer. First, you climb up a ladder that takes you as high as a medium sized tree.
The flimsy ladder can overturn, and you'll hang in an awkard position. Just stick your body close to the ladder, shift your weight and flip yourself back with a little effort.
I know this looks scary, but trust me, this IS the simplest!
See, she can even pose even balancing on precarious tight ropes! I too, can even be camera woman while strapped on.
This was the most challenging yet most fun! Do note that there is no turning back once you've embarked on the obstacle. No one can help you turn around or get down. Unless you want to climb down the tree literally, or wait for the fire department to come rescue you like how they save pussies stranded in trees. 
You don't want to be a pussy.
So you complete obstacles like these...
The most exhilarating activity, other than the zipline was jumping ACROSS FREE FALL onto this
spider web.
It takes alot of nerves, i assure you. Even to go down the zipline, you'll check your hook, your straps a gazillionth time. I don't want to fall to death.
I'm proud to say we all completed the obstacle course, no one was a wuss. It's such a great activity to do for young and old. Even better was, even those who are not participating will not be excluded. Parents who signed up their children, can still stay close, cheering down from below, taking photos as they come zipping down.
She couldn't stop thanking me for inviting her into the bush this afternoon, but really it was she who made it all worthwhile.
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