Last April 22, our "kuya" went to attend Woodstock Learning Center's Summer Program. He's in a class with other 2-3 year olds having fun together, learning songs and dances, crayoning stuff and doing other things. His first day was really memorable so I took some pictures of him being excited--until he cried as soon as he entered the classroom ;)
Jethro leaves the gate at around 8:20 AM. His school is our next-door neighbor, so daddy and mommy would walk him there for only 2 minutes... haha! |
Daddy takes his hand as they walk towards the school gate beside our house. |
This is daddy sitting down to wait. He waited for the duration of 2 hours! He is assigned to pick Jethro up from school |
This photo is taken when Mommy was called up by teacher Cel. Jethro cried in the first 5 minutes, and they need me to calm him down. Our poor kuya cried because he wasn't prepped for what could happen that day-- mommy and daddy have to stay outside! |
After calming down with mommy, he started browsing some toy animals beside their table. He chose to stay here for the next 5 minutes. |
This is his very first activity at Summer class. He colored this by himself. |
Jethro's first "star" :D He's so proud that he showed this to me as soon as he got home. |
Yellow Room is the name of their classroom. Other classrooms there are also named after different colors. |
This photo is taken on his next day at Summer class. Proud kuya shows off he got 2 stars today. :) He also said he did not cry anymore. Looks like mommy doesn't need to come over again! |

On the same day of Jethro's Summer class was also Daddy's College Graduation. Right after Daddy picked up Jethro, we dressed up and were picked up by Lolo Bert to go to Tanghalang Pasigueno. This is the same place where I had my Elementary school graduation last 2002.

And a few days after, it's my turn to attend my Recognition Rites at my college, NCPAG. I already graduated last November 2012 (what you call Octoberian). I still attended the recognition despite my big tummy (baby Robert on the way!). I wanted my mom to experience climbing up the stage with me, too.
It took me and my husband extra years before we finished college, but our parents are still as proud as ever. :D
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